freiheit_0308 Sep 12, 2011 19:01
character: merlin, series: au with no name, genre: getting to know you, genre; cracky-like, genre: au, fandom: merlin, about: gay boys, character: gwaine, about: plotlines, character: arthur
freiheit_0308 Jul 20, 2011 00:20
character: the doctor(11th), series: dates in time, about: time travel, about: riverfreakingsong, pairing: amy/ rory, genre: that place between rated g and ra, genre: getting to know you, fandom: doctor who, character: amy pond, character: river song, pairing: river/the doctor, about: things that make me happy, about: a love that lasts forever, about: insomnia, genre: au, character: the doctor(8th), about: space!!!
freiheit_0308 Jul 15, 2011 23:14
pairing: river/the doctor, character: the doctor(11th), character: river song, series: dates in time, about: time travel, about: a love that lasts forever, about: things that make me happy, genre: sniffles sads, about: riverfreakingsong, genre: getting to know you, fandom: doctor who, genre: au, character: the doctor(8th), genre: fluff so fluffy it gags!!, about: space!!!
freiheit_0308 Jul 13, 2011 13:50
character: the doctor(11th), character: rory williams, series: dates in time, about: time travel, about: feeling creative, about: riverfreakingsong, pairing: amy/ rory, genre: getting to know you, fandom: doctor who, character: amy pond, character: river song, pairing: river/the doctor, about: a love that lasts forever, genre: au, character: the doctor(8th), about: space!!!, genre: fluff so fluffy it gags!!
freiheit_0308 Jul 12, 2011 00:51
pairing: river/the doctor, character: the doctor(11th), character: river song, series: dates in time, about: time travel, about: a love that lasts forever, about: feeling creative, about: riverfreakingsong, genre: that place between rated g and ra, genre: getting to know you, fandom: doctor who, genre: au, about: insomnia, about: space!!!
freiheit_0308 Jul 11, 2011 00:03
character: the doctor(11th), series: dates in time, about: time travel, about: feeling creative, about: riverfreakingsong, pairing: amy/ rory, genre: that place between rated g and ra, genre: getting to know you, fandom: doctor who, character: amy pond, character: river song, pairing: river/the doctor, about: things that make me happy, about: a love that lasts forever, genre: au, about: space!!!